The literature collection of ScheldeMonitor is a compilation of content from the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) of VLIZ, several delineated report series and the various thematic collections that are accessible via the website of VNSC.
Integrated Marine Information System
IMIS contains a lot of references on all kinds of publications, people, institutes, datasets and projects that are related to the Scheldt, the estuary and all activities that take place therein.

1st-Line Reports
In the context of the OntwikkelingsSchets 2010, a yearly report was established to create a view on the available scientific data for the Scheldt estuary. These reports describe 'what is apparant in the data', and creates a basic interpretation based on simple analyses. To do so, these utilize available hydrodynamic, fysio-chemical and biological data that dates back to 1996. Nine editions of the report have already been published, starting from 2011 until 2019.
MONEOS Reports
The monitoring activities and the resulting measurement data are closely monitored by the Project Group Monitoring and Data Management. Within this project group, all changes to the monitoring program as well as the coordination of the measurement techniques between Flanders and the Netherlands are being discussed. The Flanders Marine Institute supports the project group in centralizing the MONEOS data series and making them available for the various reports.
In addition to the periodic reports, an evaluation report is produced every six years. This report, called the T-report or 'indicators for sustainable management', focuses on the evaluation of the three main functions: Naturalness, Safety and Accessibility.

Scheldt Indicators
In 2010 the project was launched in the context of the LongTermVision-objectives (LTV), which selected and aligned a set of indicators with the complete cross-border Scheldt estuary in consultation with scientists and policy. In 2011, this project resulted in a publication that described the state of use of the Scheldt on the basis of 18 different indicators.

VNSC Publications
Also the Flemish-Dutch Scheldt commission itself publishes several publications, divided into six categories. This collection provides more information about the organization, the research and the projects of the VNSC. Reports, magazines, brochures and scientific reports can be found therein.