Habitat diversity
The living environment of organisms, or their habitat, is determined by a combination of biotic (living organisms) and abiotic (non-living) factors. The habitat diversity in the Scheldt estuary is largely influenced by hydro- and morphodynamic factors (movement of water) such as tidal action and sediment deposition. In the estuary, there are also various valuable and internationally protected biotopes, including mudflats (providing food and safe breeding grounds), salt marshes (regulating water quality and protecting against erosion), reed fields (foraging areas for birds like the bittern), etc.
Ecotope maps are created based on various parameters (such as exposure duration, salinity, and soil) and are a combination of physiotope and geomorphological maps. Ecotope maps make it possible to see the evolution in quality and quantity of the different biotopes. This allows for the assessment of the preservation of diversity, nature development, and the impact of measures in the Scheldt estuary. This is included in the 'Nature' section of the 'Agenda voor de Toekomst' by the VNSC.

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